Clontarf Junior Swimming Club
Clontarf Swim - General Policies
All swimmers are required to wear an appropriate swim suit and to use a pair of goggles.
Beginner swimmers must wear armbands as well as an appropriate swimsuit, swim hat and use a pair of goggles.
Parents must not under any circumstances remove armbands from beginner swimmers or instruct their children to do so. Swimming teachers will decide when a child is ready to progress from armbands.
While in the pool, pupils must obey the teacher’s orders at all times and comply with the Clontarf Swim Code of Behaviour.
Parent’s Guardians or child minders will remain in the Spectator area of the pool during the lesson.
Children who wish to use the toilet during a lesson who are unable to use the toilet unsupervised should contact their Parent who will accompany them to the facility. In the event that there is no Parent, guardian or child minder present during the lesson and a child wishes to use the toilet then that child will be accompanied to the toilet by a swimming teacher of the same sex. If there is no such swimming teacher available to accompany a child wishing to use the toilet then the swimming instructor will nominate another suitable person of the same sex to accompany the child to the toilet.
Pupils should always inform the teacher if they wish to leave the pool unless the class has ended and a Swimming Teacher has issued a general instruction to exit the water.
Instruction in the pool will be provided by qualified swimming teachers.
Clontarf Swim Teachers will be guided by Policies and Procedures including those published on this website together with guidelines and regulations issued by the Central Remedial Clinic and Dublin City Council. It is the responsibility of the Parent's and Guardian's of swimmers to familiarise themselves with any such guidelines and regulations.
Clontarf Swim and persons affiliated with Clontarf Swim operate and are guided by the appropriate sections published in the document produced by Swim Ireland entitled Safeguarding Children Policies and Procedures 2010. This document can be viewed on the Swim Ireland website by using this link.
Children are required to behave at all times in a manner that ensures the safety of all involved in Clontarf Swim’s swimming programme. Refer to the Code of Behaviour section.
Teachers will remain on the poolside at all times during the formal lesson and during any period of ‘play time’ at the end of the swim session.
Parent’s are obliged to provide information to Clontarf Swim regarding any child with a Special Educational Needs, physical disability or medical diagnosis that may compromise their safety at swimming, eg. Autism, Epilepsy or diabetes etc.
If any injury or accident occurs at the pool, a swimming teacher or lifeguard on duty will attend to the injury. Incident reports will be completed by a member of the Clontarf Swim team in conjunction with persons responsible for the management of swimming pool in which the accident took place.
Swimming teachers from Clontarf Swim who are supervising Children in the pool will communicate any concerns regarding health and safety to the relevant swimmer and subsequently to the Parents of the swimmers if necessary.