Clontarf Junior Swimming Club
Frequently Asked Questions about Clontarf Junior Swimming Club
Do we offer private 'one on one' swimming lessons?
In certain cases we can provide this service. Our private lessons include video analysis allowing the student to review teaching points at home. Send an email through the web site for further information.
How can I apply to join one of your teaching classes
Go to the Apply for our Classes option on the above menu or send an email to clontarfswim@outlook.ie. Please provide your name and contact phone number and your children's ages. It would help also if you could give us a little background on the swimming experience that your children have. Check out our Class times and identify the days and times that you are available. We would suggest that you are very flexible on the time and locations that suit you as Covid 19 continues to reduce the number of pools and classes that are currently available. We will hold your details and contact you when we a place becomes available.
At what age can children begin swimming lessons?
As a guide, children should start in our classes when they are 4 years of age. While our classes are fun, they can be formal at times and we expect our students to be able to understand and act on basic instructions.
What is the format of classes in the swimming club?
Our classes have 3 gradings. Beginners level are children starting in armbands or who have recently started swimming without swim-aids. The concentration in this group is on fun and developing confidence in the water. This group focuses on basic skills including developing confidence in getting their faces in the water and body position. Children graduate from this group when they can swim without arm-bands and have mastered basic swimming technique. Our improvers group perfect water skills including breathing, leg action and arm position. This group will be introduced to all 4 swimming strokes. Our advanced groups get an opportunity to fine tune all 4 swimming strokes and will start to develop a competent fitness in the pool.
What about your older beginners class ?
We have developed a programme whcih is specifically tailored for the older beginner. In our general classes our beginners tend to start at 4 years of age and advance to our next stream within 1 or 2 years. Our older beginner's programme is for children from 7 years of age and up who have never swan before. Our teaching approach for this class involves more talking and explaining mixed with regular demonstrations out of the water. To date we have considerable success with this class and students tend to progress fairly rapidly. The Older benginners class is on Wednesdays from 8 to 8.45 pm in Northside swimming pool.
How do I apply to join one of the swimming classes ?
We love that we are so much in demand. We hope this is because we can offer you the best service. Unfortunately however this means that at times swimmers will have a wait before they can join our classes. We have therefore introduced a formal wait list arranged by date. If you want to join our classes, please use the contact button above and email your child's details to us. We will advise you about the wait list and keep you briefed on the availability of places. We will eventually get you launched on our programme.
General queries
General enquiries and information about becoming a new student in our classes should be submitted via the contact page or by using the contact phone number.
Please use the contact tab on the website or email:- clontarfswim@outlook.ie. We will do our best to respond to you quickly.
I want to apply to transfer between classes?
If you wish to transfer to a different class, please use the contact button on the website to email your details to us. If we are able to accommodate the transfer, you will be emailed to confirm the new class details. Swimmers will not be admitted to classes unless they have been emailed and offerred a place in the new class.
What do beginner swimmers need when attending a class?
The pool rules oblige all swimmers to wear a swim hat in the pool. In addition, all beginner swimmers will need a set of armbands unless they can show that they are competent in the pool without them. Swim goggles are essential for all swimmers. In particular, all beginners must wear goggles to encourage them to put their faces down in the water. Remember, the child's head controls their body position in the water, so this is why our teachers constantly emphasise 'Head Down In The Water'.
Removing arm-bands doesn't necessarily mean progress!
Parents are usually keen to see their beginner swimmers shed their arm-bands. Initially however, the focus in the beginners group is on learning basic water skills. Most of these skills can be learnt with arm-bands on. Where arm-bands are prematurely removed from beginner swimmers, sometimes they can develop bad pool habits. The bottom line is that we don't pressurise children to remove their arm-bands. Our teachers will know when your child is ready to go solo!
What is the duration of each swimming class?
Our beginner classes in CRC last 1 hour. There is formal instruction for approximately 45 minutes with a period of 'Play Time before and after the teaching element of the class.
Our classes in Northside are 45 minutes in duration.